A common observation about human
behavior is that people are biased toward what is best in the short-term. That does not meant that people always pursue
short-term pleasures over long-term gains.
It just means that the value of the long-term option has to be much
larger than what people will get right now in order for them to choose to delay
the benefit.
Economists call this idea temporal discounting. To use a money example, imagine that I was
willing to give you $100 next month, or a smaller amount of money right
now. If I offered you $10 right now, you
would probably wait a month to get the $100.
If I offered you $90 right now, you would probably take that rather than
waiting. But, where is your dividing
line? What is the smallest amount of
money that you would take to wait a month to get $100?
The smaller the amount of money
you would take now, the less you value future experience compared to present
experience. If you would be willing to
take $45 now as opposed to $100 in a month, then you are saying that $100 in a
month is only worth $45 in today’s dollars.
In many situations, we want people
to value the future more than they do now, so that they are willing to engage
in activities that create future value.
A paper in the June, 2014 issue of PsychologicalScience by David DeSteno, Ye Li, Leah Dickens, and Jenifer Lerner suggests
that when people experience gratitude, they give more value to future events
compared to present ones.
In this study, participants
ultimately evaluated lots of situations like the prospect of getting $20 now or
$50 in a week. These problems were given
in order for the researchers to make an estimate of how much people were valuing
future events compared to present events.
Participants were told that some of them would actually get an amount of
money based on one of their choices, so they should choose carefully.
The participants were divided into
three groups. A control group was just
asked to recall the events of a typical day.
A second group was asked to recall situations that made them happy. A third group recalled situations that made
them feel grateful. The idea behind the
last two groups was to help distinguish between gratitude and more general
positive feeling.
The group that thought about
gratitude valued the future more than those who thought about either happy
events or a normal day. This finding
suggests that there is something about gratitude (above and beyond being positive)
that leads people to be more focused on the long-term rather than the
It is not completely clear why
gratitude should have this effect. One
possibility is that gratitude makes people feel more connected to those around
them. Social connection influences
people’s sense that they are part of something larger and more permanent than
themselves. That may make it feel less
difficult to wait for a future reward.
Another possibility is that
engaging in acts of kindness (which creates gratitude) often requires some
degree of altruism on the part of the performer. So, thinking about these altruistic acts may
make people feel like they can give up something in the present in order to get
a future reward.
Clearly, though, more work needs to be done to understand
why gratitude has the influence on the way people value the future.