Prejudice is a constant presence in the news. Many of the trouble spots around the world
are plagued by sectarian violence in which one group preys on another. In the United States, race is a simmering
issue behind the scenes in political discussions.
Because prejudice is so pervasive, there has been a lot of
interest in understanding factors that might reduce it. A fascinating paper by Carmit Tadmor, Ying-yi
Hong, Melody Chao, Fon Wiruchnipawan, and Wei Wang in the November, 2012 issue
of the Journal of Personality and Social
Psychology suggests that having a multicultural experience can decrease
For example, in one study, Caucasian-American college
students participated in a study in which they were going to have to evaluate
resumes of six job applicants. The
resumes were constructed so that two of the resumes were much higher quality
than the other four. The names on the
resumes were manipulated, so that half of them had stereotypically White names
and half had stereotypically Black names.
The names were randomly assigned to the resumes in different ways for
different participants, so any difference in evaluation of the resumes from
people with Black and White names has to result from the name and not the
quality of the resume.
Prior to evaluating the resumes, some participants watched a
video that contained images of both American and Chinese culture. Much previous research shows that watching
these videos gives people a greater appreciation of the similarities and
differences between American and Chinese culture. Two other groups of participants watched
either a video with only images from American culture or with images only from
Chinese culture.
Participants who saw videos with images from only one
culture recognized that some of the resumes were stronger than others, but they
generally felt that the strong resume from the person with the White name was
better than the strong resume from the person with the Black name. Those who saw the video with images from both
American and Chinese culture evaluated the strong resumes equally, regardless
of the name on them. So, having a
multicultural experience decreased prejudice.
Other studies in this series found that people given a
multicultural experience were also less likely to endorse negative stereotypes
about groups.
Why does this happen?
The researchers suggest that having a multicultural
experience decreases peoples Need for
Closure. Need for Closure is the extent to which people need to be finished
thinking about something. The higher
your Need for Closure, the more that you use secondary sources of information
to make judgments. So, when you are high
in Need for Closure, you might focus more on a person’s race rather than the
quality of his or her resume when making a hiring decision.
To demonstrate this possibility, the researchers found that
people given a multicultural experience (like watching a video with both
American and Chinese images) decreased their ratings on a scale designed to
measure Need for Closure relative to those who saw images from only one culture. Furthermore, these measured differences in
Need for Closure were a good statistical explanation for the differences in
prejudice found between groups.
This set of studies is yet another demonstration of the
positive effects of having multicultural experience. The more that you bear in mind the variety of
cultures that exist in this world, the better able you are to focus on factors
that really matter when making a decision, rather than using secondary characteristics
like a person’s race.