You’re probably familiar with brainstorming. There is a complicated problem to be solved,
so you get together in a group and throw out ideas hoping to come up with a
great idea. The basic rules of
brainstorming (as well as the word brainstorming itself) come from Alex
Osborn’s work in the 1960s. The idea is
to try to come up with as many ideas as possible, to avoid criticizing ideas at
first, and to say whatever you are thinking rather than focusing at first on
whether the idea would work.
There has been a lot of research on brainstorming over the
years, and it generally shows that groups are less effective than
individuals. That is, if you got a group
of three people brainstorming, that group would come up with fewer ideas (and
fewer good ideas) than if the people had worked alone. This observation that groups are less
effective than individuals is called productivity
A potentially powerful aspect of brainstorming, though, is
the process of combining ideas. That is,
after a set of ideas are generated, it may turn out that a combination of a few
of the ideas is more effective than any of those individual ideas alone. Are groups more effective than individuals
when combining ideas?
This question was explored in a paper in the May, 2011 issue
of the Journal of Experimental Social
Psychology by Nicholas Kohn, Paul Paulus, and YunHee Choi.
In one study, participants were university students. They either worked in groups of three or they
arrived at the lab as a group of three people, but worked alone. Their job was to generate ideas that would
improve their university. Consistent
with the previous observations of productivity loss, the groups came up with
fewer ideas than the sets of three people working alone.
After an initial idea generation stage, the participants
were shown all of the ideas generated by the group (or by the group of three
individuals in a session) and were asked to combine the ideas. At this stage, some of the people who worked
in groups where asked to do the idea combination working alone. Likewise, some of the people who worked alone
when generating ideas worked in a group to combine the ideas.
There were a couple of interesting observations from this
study. People who had worked in a group
were more likely to make combinations from ideas that they had generated
themselves than people who worked alone.
That is, being in a group seemed to make people focus on their own
ideas. People who worked alone at first
seemed more open to other people’s ideas.
That said, the people who generated ideas in a group generally came up
with more useful ideas overall after the ideas were combined.
Still, this study seems to suggest that groups do not really
do that well compared to the same number of people working alone. Is there any advantage to working in a group?
In a second study, Kohn, Paulus, and Choi gave people a list
of ideas that were generated by other people.
This situation mirrors cases where a committee has to evaluate
suggestions made by others.
In this case, people either worked in a group of three or
they worked alone. They were asked to
combine the ideas to come up with new suggestions. In a clever manipulation, some groups were
given ideas that were frequently generated as suggestions for improving the
university. Other groups were given the
same number of ideas but the ideas were all ones that are given by only a few
people when generating ideas to improve the university.
The people working alone created combinations of ideas that
were judged to be moderately novel and moderately feasible regardless of the
kinds of ideas they were given to start with.
The people working in groups, though, were particularly
productive when given rare ideas. The
groups generated combinations that were much more novel and yet still quite
feasible to implement when given rare ideas.
That is, groups seemed
particularly well-suited to taking rare ideas and creating new and interesting
combinations from them.
Ultimately, if you are in a situation where you have to
generate ideas, it is generally better to start by having people work
alone. That makes the collection of
people more productive and also more open to new ideas.
That said, it may also be useful to break idea generation
and combination into two stages. Have
one group start by generating ideas to solve a problem. Then, get a different group of people
together to create combinations of those ideas.
Afterward, the entire group can get together to discuss the results.